Lunetteries – Atlantique Articles

A Winning Start for the Optical Warehouse in Saint John

A Winning Start for the Optical Warehouse in Saint John In just three short weeks since its grand opening on April 10, the Optical Warehouse in Saint John has already welcomed hundreds of satisfied customers. The incredible prices and exceptional service offered at...

Optical Vision Group to Launch Optical Warehouse Franchising Concept in Canada

Ontario and Western Canada Are Key Target Markets TROIS-RIVIÈRES, March 15, 2023 - The Optical Vision Group is taking its next big step by focusing on continuing the Canadian expansion of its Optical Warehouse/Entrepôt de la Lunette optical stores, with a franchising...

Entrepôt de la Lunette s’installe au NB, à Edmundston

Une nouvelle lunetterie à prix avantageux arrive au Nouveau-Brunswick Edmundston, le 16 septembre 2021 __ Les travaux vont bon train au Maliseet Mall, situé dans le Méga Centre Grey Rock sur le territoire de la Première Nation Malécite du Madawaska, afin d'accueillir...

Opening of the first Canadian Optical Warehouse in Nova Scotian Halifax

Canadian Optical Warehouse launching the first best price policy in Optical Care in Nova Scotia NOVA Opening of the first Canadian Optical Warehouse in Nova Scotia Halifax, November 26, 2014 – Today, the opening of the first Canadian Optical Warehouse in Nova Scotia...

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